در زير مي توانيد موتور جستجوي وب ما را پيدا کنيد
Super Teddy - Warm up- Roll, roll, roll your hands as slowly as you can
Super Teddy - Story- It’s raining! Look, here is a magic pen
Super Teddy Song - Roll the blue ball down to me
Super Teddy - Warm up- Round and round and round she goes, where she stops…nobody knows!
Super Teddy - Daily English- Sorry! It’s ok
Super Teddy - Daily English- Put on your coat
Super Teddy - Story- Nicky wants to eat, wash your hands Nicky
Super Teddy - Daily English- Let’s go!
Super Teddy - Song- one, two! I see you. Three, four! Open the door
Super Teddy - Daily English- How are you- Fine, thank you!